Justin Rahardjo


My thoughts and ramblings in article form

Lambda Custom Authorizer with Auth0

Jan 18, 2021
How to use Auth0 and Lambda Custom Authorizer using Serverless Framework and the AWS CDK
black Canon photo printer

Getting around Printing and Scanning documents

Nov 4, 2020
Stop having to print, sign and scan documents
Terraform Logo

Terraform Learnings

Apr 28, 2019
The things I've learnt from using Terraform
MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table

Lessons Learnt from Working Remotely

Jan 20, 2019
Lessons I learnt whilst working remotely in Canada.
white xbox one game controller

Controlling an Arduino with the Xbox One Controller (using JavaScript)

May 19, 2018
Recently we used an Xbox One Controller to send commands to an Arduino, this is how we did it.
AT&T Park in San Francisco

Arriving in San Francisco

Nov 15, 2014
After almost a day of travel, I have finally arrived in San Francisco, the city by the bay.
Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

Startup Catalyst

Nov 8, 2014
In approximately a weeks time, myself and 19 other people will be heading to Silicon Valley
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