August 2012Film & PhotographyThe Arts A video of activities in the Arts at Marist College Ashgrove 2012, in recognition of UNESCO's International Arts Education Week. (youtube:
August 2012RoboticsFilm & PhotographyUQ Mechatronics A video to showcase the field of mechatronics engineering at the University of Queensland. This video project was created as an entry to the annual EAIT Student Video Competition. (vimeo:
December 2010RoboticsMETR3800 Robot Soccer A team project course at UQ. The task was to design and build a soccer playing robot based on the rules and specifications given in the Robocup Junior Soccer Open League. Feel free to read through our final reports: - (file: METR3800 - Final Design Overview.pdf text: Final Design Overview popup: yes) - (file: METR3800 - Individual Report - Justin.pdf text: Indepth report on my contribution popup:yes) (slider: all) (youtube:
December 2010RoboticsMETR4202 Robot Arm A two joint planar robotic arm constructed using the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT kit. The design features a double revolute robotic arm which holds a pen. The arm is to be controlled to trace straight lines between a set of given points on a path, avoid a given obstacle and finally to return to the initial starting position. Feel free to read the report (file: METR4202 - RobotArmReport.pdf text: here popup: yes) (slider: all)
December 2009RoboticsMETR2800 Satellite The first university team project in mechatronics at UQ. The task was to design and build a target acquiring satellite system. The system is suspended by a string and is able to rotate around its axis to find targets. The targets emitted infrared light. (slider: all)
Film & PhotographyLandscape Photography Description: A set of the landscape images I have taken over the years. (slider: all) <!-- Add instagram feed selections... -->
Film & PhotographyPortraits & Photoshoots Various portraits and photoshoot work that I've done myself as well as in collaboration with other photographers. Both in a studio and outdoors. (slider: all) colab with Tom
Film & PhotographyProduct & Macro Photography A selection of the product, food and macro photography I have done over the years. (slider: all)